Why there is need for NGL (NOT GONAA LIE) Confessout website today?
The need to get genuine secret ngl feedbacks were in demand even when there was no tech. Deep down you too want to know what your friends think about you or you want to get honest feedbacks on your personal questions. If I'm right then let me introduce this cool website just made for you & for your secret NGL confessout type messages/chats/comments/answers and lot more..
Ft. Yourtruewords.com | Anonymously Connfessout and more private NGL secrets
Yourtruewords.com was launched in year 2023. This underrated website with full anonymity and privacy has led the craze of secet sharing to next level. You get bunch of options like receive secret text messages, secret comment on your posts, genuine NGL answers on your queries, play MCQ with your friends, chat anonymously and many more..
How to use Yourtruewords.com for sharing or receiving confessout NGL text messages?
First visit the website then simply signup and you will get your custom url (eg. yourtruewords.com/srk). Now this is one like for all your secrets. No need to share multiple urls for different stuffs. Your friends or anyone can drop you there secret text messags or they can even chat with you anonymously and many more ways to share secret NGL confessouts.
Can i reply to secret NGL Confessout messages that I will receive?
Yes you can reply to all those messages or you can even chat anonymously in realtime if the sender has texted from chat anonymously page. Share your url to instagram profile page and have fun.